Thursday, May 17, 2018


Most believe themselves capable of intellectual engagement but become defensive and take attacks on their arguments and opinions personally. They then fall into patterns of no longer seeing or addressing the criticisms, but critique the manner, tone, and messenger, or focus on feelings and style rather than substance. This is often resorted to when the failings or hypocrisy of their arguments has been exposed for which they have no defense. Rather than recognize the raising of their hackles as touching on something important that needs careful consideration why they have this response, they will either retaliate in kind to their perceived affront personalizing their attacks, bristle, complain, and become defensive at their perceived injustice, or dismissing it out of hand to avoid having to deal with it at all. This is very common when they have their own arguments served to them inversely, exposing them to ridicule. The humor of this can be devastating to butt of its target and the taking of offense a defense mechanism to avoid the truth of it. It is much easier to take offense than address substance, and much easier to personalize attacks than originate good arguments. Offense, intended or not, means there is something you should be thinking about, not hiding behind, and not style but substance the focus of any disagreement.

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